SUMMARY: A new arrival in the small town of Independence causes some trouble...
SUMMARY: Fox gets into trouble for the first time...
SUMMARY: Fox gets acquainted with his new home and duties...
SUMMARY: Fox meets some new friends...
SUMMARY: Fox slowly comes to terms with his new life, and realizes that there's more to Sheriff Skinner than the gruff 'Old Meanie' exterior...
SUMMARY: Fox goes on an apology tour and learns a valuable lesson along the way...
SUMMARY: Fox's life takes some unexpected turns...
SUMMARY: Fox gets ready for his first day in school...but things aren't what he imagined them to be...
SUMMARY: Independence is visited by ghosts and ghouls...and those grinning pumpkin thingies...
SUMMARY: "Winter. When had summer so seamlessly hardened from warm nights and long days, into cold winds and frosty window panes...?" (unauthorized and wonderfully poetic quote by Xanthe...I loved this one so much I had to use it...)
SUMMARY: Fox enjoys a present his Old Meanie gave him...a little too much...
SUMMARY: Fox learns that every Rose has her thorns...and secrets...
SUMMARY: Fox and Evil Bill face off...
SUMMARY: Fox is forced to deal with matters of the heart...
SUMMARY: Fox decides he's a grown-up. His Old Meanie isn't so sure.
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