Agreement Series

by Xanthe

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The Agreement Series

  1. The Agreement Part One: The New Boss - 57K - Rated PG
  2. SUMMARY: Ever wondered how Skinner disciplined Mulder for his antics in such episodes as The Host, and Paper Hearts? If so, read on...

  3. The Agreement Part Two: Direct Orders - 69K - Rated PG
  4. SUMMARY: Set after Ascension. Skinner's direct orders have been disobeyed and we all know how he feels about that. Krycek gets a spanking too in this one!

  5. The Agreement Part Three: Taming the Fox - 34K - Rated PG
  6. SUMMARY: After the events of Anasazi, The Blessing Way, and Paperclip, Mulder goes to Skinner's apartment knowing that he's in big trouble.

  7. The Agreement Part Four: Paper Hearts - 41K - Rated PG-13
  8. SUMMARY: If ever an episode required a discipline story written about it, it's Paper Hearts. So, this is my take on it. Skinner is well and truly on the warpath.

  9. The Agreement Part Five: Tender Loving Care - 56K - Rated PG
  10. SUMMARY: Post Demons, Mulder is in a huge sulk. Skinner takes him away to his cabin for some TLC with inevitable consequences.


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