Perspectives Series
by: Kate Mulder

Perspectives - 11K - Rated PG
SUMMARY: Bill Scully, Jr., reflects on recent events concerning Fox Mulder's motives.

Perspectives II - 8K - Rated PG
SUMMARY: Bill's thoughts, a la post-Requiem

Perspectives III: Frankly, My Dear... - 7K - Rated PG
SUMMARY: Why let Bill have all the fun? Tara has her say.

Perspectives IV: Every A.D. Has His Day - 8K - Rated PG
SUMMARY: The Perspectives series continues as the Skinman has his say.

Perspectives V: Sappy Love Songs - 11K - Rated PG
SUMMARY: No, this series isn't over yet. Maggie has a few things she'd like to say as well.

Perspectives VI: Return to Me - 6K - Rated PG
SUMMARY: When her fondest wish comes true, Scully thinks about a few things.